Monday, April 25, 2011

Mommy Wars

There seems to be a war between Mothers. We all judge each other so harshly. The jr. high cattiness is still pervasive among women, except it is dressed up with pretty words on blogs. I see so many posts (usually by the self-proclaimed "natural" mamas) that ooze judgement on the rest of us that don't choose the road they have chosen. I'm all for a Woman's Right to Choose. I have my own opinions, and if you ask for them, I'll hand them out readily, because I do love hearing how smart I sound, even if I don' reality..and I seldom do. I'm not going to shove it down your throat and try to make you feel bad for what you choose, because LAWD knows that someone out there will cringe with the choices that I've made and will continue to make. I say we end the Mommy Wars. We all need to support each other.

1. Breast is Best. Yes, I do believe this. I nursed my child for 19 months and I am damn proud of it as I should be. It's not an easy feat and I DID IT. Pat me on the back. However; if you choose to use formula it is none of my damn business, now is it?
2. Disposable Diapers - Used 'em. Loved 'em. Will continue to use 'em. I do not have enough time to worry with my carbon foot print or the extra loads of laundry. PLEASE for the LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY quit shoving the damn things down my throat.
3. Home/Natural Birth - Yes, I realize that our bodies were designed to birth babies and I sometimes I wonder if I should have tried instead of instantly jumping for the epi. But, I didn't. Not sure if I really would have. Back labor pains are like someone taking an ax to your lower back every two minutes. F THAT SH*IT. I know less meds = better for baby. I am not stupid. My kid is just fine though, no extra head.
4. Organic/Home grown Food - Once again, it comes down to time and money. I work full time. No extra hours in the day to tend to a garden because I am busy running around after a toddler or trying to keep my house from looking like Chernobyl. Organic is just a $$$ issue, plus my child takes offense at anything healthy but fruit.
5. Working vs. Stay at home mothers - We know your job is hard. We know this man. We work 40+ hours a week, while tending a house, and making sure the rug rats stay alive and dealing with a husband. That's hard too lady, so leave your judgement at home about how you could NEVER do that to your children. We generally have no choice, got it?
6. No BPA...or any other chemicals - DEAR LAWD. I know this stuff is bad for my child. For me. My husband. What the hell do you want me to do? Have us live in a bubble, where we only have cloth diapers to wear and organic food to eat? Would that appease your incessant babbling?

I must stop myself. This has become a rant against those self-possessed mothers who do not have the ability to look outside their glass house.

Really. I don't judge. Too much.

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